darshil shah
2 min readApr 27, 2021

TASK 11.1:-

Task requirements :

🔰 11.1 Configure Hadoop and start cluster
services using Ansible Playbook

i have created an playbook to configure hadoop namenode and datanode using ansible :

github url : https://github.com/sdarshil/ANSIBLE_HADOOP

copying the hadoop and jdk software to target node and checking hadoop is installed or not , then installing hadoop with command module because while installing e have to pass some extra arguments !

targetting the namenode inventory and getting the dir name to create for namenode which will be used in namenode configuration file nd setting up the namenode directory!

configuring the hadoop files for namenode with content with ansible module blockinfile !

checking the jps status so we dont format the namenode if already formatted , then cleanig the cache because sometimes due to cache we get error in setting up !

then at last starting the namenode services !

now targetting the datanodes and configuring it with creating directory for data node and setting up the files of hadoop for data node with blockinfile module of ansible !

checking the jps status same as before and then after cleaning cache with proc file which is an file of linux system which accepts an specialized signals so sending the 3 number signal using echo command !

starting the data node services !



darshil shah

Integration is key , and thats what i love to do !